Unnumbered comments:

Your final paragraph succinctly identifies problems that arise in

compliance with NEPA.

These are problems that pertain not just to

this situation but in a general way to every operational situation.
Agencies are supposed to write environmental statements somehow
before they decide what to do or how to do it. We appreciate that
for the Eniwetok cleanup there is only so much that can be said at

this early date. However, it should be pointed out that the AEC
does have a lot of information on the long-term radiological health
consequences of exposure to radioactivity in the environment. While
a full evaluation of the Eniwetok situation must await the survey

study report, much that will go into a meaningful evaluation can
certainly be prepared now.’ In responding to DNA we intend to caution
against publishing a draft environmental statement before there is
time for AEC and other involved agencies to pre-review the proposed

rehabilitation and cleanup plan in the light of good radiological
data. The implications of review actions by about June 1 and
September 1 will be stressed.

The DOD needs help in this matter and the AEC is best qualified to
render that aid in certain areas. We would like to get on with preparing as much of the needed material as is feasible at this time.










Select target paragraph3