
certainly want to be helpful, so let's approach this phase of
impact statement preparation on the following basis:

a. Radiological cleanup will be done according to one of
* several alternative plans; we don't know which alternative
will be preferred.

The environmental impact of each radiological cleanup alter-

- Native and sub-alternative will have to be addressed.

The credible alternatives and sub-alternatives for radio-

logical cleanup are:

Do no radiological cleanup; or


Clean up the entire atoll to levels for unconditional


Remove all radioactive waste and scrap that is
reasonably accessible; and
Reduce the residual radioactivity to achieve
habitability conditions by:


soil rearrangement (plow, windrow, etc);


soil removal, or


soil addition; or

Do cleanup so that parts of atoll -are unconditionally
habitable, part of the islands are only conditionally
habitable, and possibly some islands are left in an
unhabitable condition


Remove all radioactive waste and scrap that is
reasonably accessible;


(b). Selectively (by island) reduce the residual radioactivity as in (2) (b) above.


We should not attempt to guess which cleanup plan will be

adopted, but should describe the environmental aspects of
each alternative.

Select target paragraph3