
does not require an immediate decision.

of the Navy has requested an answer by July 31,

the Departme



che use of the two drone ships since the Navy plans to place
these ships in the reserve fleet at an early date.

In respons

to a question by Mr, Strauss, General Starbird said the Depar

ment of the Navy has indicated that funds are not available fr

these two ships but that this matter is still being discussed.

Mr, Libby commented on the importance o2 establishing a
reliable fallout program for Operation HARDTACK and said he

believed the pregram outlined is a reasonable one.


he added that he would prefer that 1% be expanded if sufficier
funds were aveilable,

During discussion of these experiments, Mr, Libby commer

on the total fallout expected from Operation HARDTACK and saic

the fallout program for this test o!.culd ne at least as compre
nensive as that for Operation REDWENC,

Mr, Graves said that ¢

other activities in the fallout program would consist of land

stations close ta the actual test arca and a number of vessels
such ad tugs, destroyers, and LeDT's which would be stationed 1
the fallout ares,
General Loper remasked that the major problem of the Doi

Ith respect to the proursed fallout orcgram concerns funding,
He aaded that availiable funds in the DOD for this program are

not sufficient to meet the cost of the program to the DOD,
General Loper then said that another consideration in tt
proposed program is the political espect,

He commented that =:

extensive fallout program would demonstrate the Commission's
efforts in obtaining additionel information on world-wide fall
However, he said that in view of the cost involved,

there migl

be some question whacher the value of the information obtainec


Select target paragraph3