Mr, Graves said the second experiment tiould involve the

use of approximately six B-50 type airplanes which would be
made available by APOAT-~1,

These planes would be used to mal

extensive measurements of local fallout over an expanded areé
fore as

long as ten hours following each shot.

The third

experiment would involve the use of airplanes which could flj
at very high altitudes, measuring the amount of radioactive
material in the stratosphere after each shot,

Graves said consideration is being given to a four'

experiment in which instrument-bearing rockets would be used
to obtain data on the radioactive material in the mushroom
cloud of one of the high-altitude shots.

In the fifth exper!

two drone ships which had served the same purpose in

Operation REDWING would be used to sample radioactivity prese
in the ocean waters to a depth of sighty meters in the immedi

areas of the shots,

General Starvcird commented that these 3s!

would cost approximately $1 million to $2 million.

In respor

to a question by Mr. Strauss, Dr, Shelton said thet these sh:
nad been equipped for use in Operation REDWING and that it i:
not practical to consider equipping smaller ships.

General Stavbird cummented on the addittonal informatih
vequested by the Departr-nt of Defense on fallout in the inte
mediate areas and said thet the use of radioactive tracers,
B-50 airplanes, and other high~altitude airplanes would prov:
this information,

He added vhat the cost of these experimen’

would be approximately $6 million,

sut that neither the AEC :

the DOD are sure of availabie funcs at this time,


Starblrd said consideration is also being given to other expe
ments involving rockets and ships to collect fallout data,


pointed out that the question of funds for the use of rocket:

Select target paragraph3