

Life on Kili is difficult, but with these improvements

we are confident that our people can rally from these sorrowful
days and make Kili a real home,

with decent communication to

the outside world and some kind of economic life.
we feel that our people,

In addition,

especially the elderly ones, are’

entitled to compensation from the U.S.

for the removal of our

people from Bikini and for the virtual destruction of Bikini
and other islands.

Medical care will also be needed, especially

future children.

It is premature to discuss these questions

at this time, however,

since there has not been a final deter-


mination concerning the safety of Eneu.

If, however,

the up-

coming tests show that the entire atoll is unsafe, we ask neither
. for your sympathy nor for your shared moral concern.

We simply

want and need your help to resettle our community and to let
us try to become once again the people we were before the


arrival of the atom and hydrogen bombs.


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for those people who have been living on Bikini -- and their

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