passing ships,
theworld is

and our only communication with the rest of

by radio.

The construction of a

long pier on

Kili would enable—~ws-to-xegain-eur_fishingskills-beeause
at-woarlti enable boats

to dock at Kili,

to process more copra,
rest of the Marshall

encourage our people

and provide a much needed tie tothe



a pier would enable

5 tebe

our people to regain their fishing skills and make us less
dependent on shipments of surplus government food.

become our permanent home for the next two generations.


short, 2000-foot runway would help to break the isolation we
feel from the rest of the world,

aid in case of emergency.

and it would insure immediate

The few roads on Kili should be >

improved to enable us to transport copra more easily from on

“end of the island to another. A medical dispensary should be
built, along with a new school, and our makeshift temporary

our community hall and ourwarehouse desperately need


At the same time, ‘you must realize that Kili is

already overcrowded, and’ the return of so many people from
Bikini will increase the Kili population by at Least 20 percent.
We .tkerefore urge the High Commissioner to explore the possibility of relocating some of our people on Jabwor Island on



a0 |


Jaluit Atoll.


2 Ne oe ee

Other projects must be undertaken if Kili is to

Select target paragraph3