want. Iiwierourious

"en y

"that the Beta-

ey. This wouldindie p that the bulk of the ash
gna trated to the porous wood stricture of the dock,

tna orbing the Betas. The Gamma radiation over most of thy ship was
4O m.r, por hour when tno ship arrived in port. If we extra-

te this

back t > H # 3} nours, ‘he time

the osh began to fall, tho int>

rated Gomman dose is about lOO R. Xf cxouree, the ash was faliing from H
plus 3 hours t3 etout H oluns 9 hoirs,
if we teke the mid-point of this
period as the start of exposure wa fiod tHe exposure ig cbout 70 x.



was washed off th6 sr ir and at what

We have made

vellilt, Sele

however, estimates the wnole body Gamma radiation from residual debris
still on the ship when the first measurements were made,actualdose
could have been ¢, 10, cr even 100 times iigher depending or how cuch ssh

. rumber <f discreet .nyuiries in the hopes thct

photographic film mignt nave been availcole abonrd the ship and might ppossie
bly be used as 4 j simecear.
“li #fforta "* aate@ nave bean negatiwm,
ff arturnal Emitters

seme ts gi

There was


ntti .


edMES tetera FY ees Spa




the axtent to which

fission products nad bein coscroed irt: tne tissues :f the fishermen,
'g mentioned earlier, Dr. Nokoidzumi irda : ncludead from nis mouse expceriment that the prognosis for the fishermer was adversely affected by thn


probability of excessive depositicn .f long-lived bone~seeking isctopus.
The Japanese scientists were despu.ataly looking for an agent to mobilize


these isotopes and Dr, iewis beliaves thet they had administered EDTA to
the patients, despite tne fact that urine analysis wea beyond their


capability anc they were therefore umable to determine either the -cod for
EDTA or the effect produced by it.
‘sert from the fact that -~.
unable to undertake urine analysis at ¢thit tuu, it 18 -.oo @ a

they did not understend the dynamics :/ ‘“ission product metabolism pnd vere

not used to thinking in terms of umirrow excretion levelg as on index
of absorption and jtevos.tion,

Merch 26 and five more on Korchk
from the remaining 16 paticnts.
ded te vne dealtn ond Safety
xrcess sialysis of the first two
- wesyayesni in the attached


Thay were anxious «o provide nme vit! samples of urine for St. ve-side

analysis. Tw: samples were daliverea rv
30. AS yet wa heve ict received samples
The samples received were properiy fc-rLaboratory and 1 have ned the results
samples. J communicated tnese resu. & .
letter which 8 se.f-exo. nator



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