
yh AME

The effective energies (E) and the Fraction ingested reaching the
organ of reference (F) for the four radionuclides which produce over 99%
of the dose are listed in Table 3.

Exposure Pathways:


Description and Dose

External Gamma
The description of the measurements, dose calculations, and dose

_ estimates for the external exposure pathway have been reported in

detail (2).

In summary, }37Cs and6% Co produce nearly all the external

dose on both Bikini and Eneu Islands with }37Cs contributing approximately
94% of the total.

In addition, the dose levels on Eneu Istand were found

to be less than those on Bikini Island by about a factor of two.
The first year dose and 30 year integral dose for the two islands as

a function of the alternative living patterns is shown in Table 4.
Integrated external exposures for 10 years, 50 years and 70 years are
listed in Tables 27, 29 and 30 respectively.

Housing located in the

interior of Bikini Island (area 3 in Figure 2) leads’ to the highest external
exposure (Case 5 and Case 6).

The annual Federal guide for a member of the

population is 0.5 rem for the whole body and 0.5 rem for bone marrow.


Case 5 and 6 the estimated first year dose of 0.28 rem is a considerable

fraction of the annual guide and leaves little room for dose accumulation
| via other pathways.

Similarly summing the annual guides for 30 years leads

to a 30 year guide of 15 rem and the estimated 30 year integral dose for
Case 5 and 6 is 5.9 rem.

Again, over a 30 year period, the external dose

received from this housing location and living pattern does not allow

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Select target paragraph3