f xgrtment of Health Services
'ajurc, Marshal? Islands

& November 1977

fCc Zw



District Administrator, Marshalls


District Director of Health Services, Marshalls


Report of Trip to Japtan, Eneretak


Because of increased in number and type of health problens affacting
the health of people on Japtan, Enewetak which caused great concern
to the Comnending Officer and his staff, Enewetak and the District

Administrator, Marshalls, Mir. Oscar ceSrun, the District Administrator
of Marshall Islands District asked me and fir. Murphy Ownbey to qo°to.
Fnewetak to meet with Colonel Edaar J. Mixan, the District Administrator
Representative, Japtan and the Health Assistant, Japtan to discuss the

health situation on Japtan and to evaluate the health assistant proarar
and recormand course of action to be taken by al] concern in the future.
ir. Murpry Ovwmbey couldn't come on this trip to Enevwetak because his
wife was sick. So, I proceeded to Enewetak on Rovember 4, 1977. As

soon as I arrived Enewetak, Colonel Mixan arranoed a brief meeting at
his office. The meeting vias attended by Colona) Edcar J. ifixan, the

Conmending Officer, Enewetak, LTC John R. Sitten, Dr. Joseph E. Thorpe,
".5., John Iszail and myself. The topics of discussion during our
meetino were health education program on Japtan, district medical

‘referral proceedures and medical referral patients from Japtan to USAF
Clinic on Enewetak and medical referral patients and escorts from USAF

Clinic to Kwajalein or “ajure. After a brief meeting, the oroup had
Teunch. After launch, we visited Japtan dispensary, the toflet
facilities on the istand and the ceneral sanitary condition of the

Upon our return from Japtan, Colonel Mixan decided to have

another meeting at 5:00 p.m. to discuss health problems on Japtan
relative to toilet facitities, drinking water, method of carbage
disposal and medical emercency referral patients and medical referral
policies to be followed, including proper medical referral slips for

patients and escorts. In the mean time shown below is a list of medical
Supplies and equipment available at Japtan Dispensary.

1. Etxter of theophyllin 2.2... cc eee ce wee e eens 1 cal

2. Kaeopectate 2.2... eee ccc ee cece wee c ccc cc ww etnees 7 cal
3. Tylinol suspension ..... becca we cece cece ccc cecne 1 cal
4. ALS.K. tablets 2... ee ccc ccc eee eect cee cee e eens 2090s

5. Amphoae? Tiquid ............ ec ec cw cen ect cceeare 2 pints
6. Amphogel tablets .... 2 cece cc cee cee cece eect eee 2999s
7. Ascordic acid tablets 2... cece cee eee eee ees 50s
€. Kexavitamin tablets 2... eee eee ee cee nee ceee 6900s

S. Gantrisin tablets .... 0 eee ecw eens 2099s

TO. Amesec capsules 2... cee ec eee cece eee c cnn cees 500s



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