poo ole 5200.1

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oooe 520078
Yq Wea Rert Elm Subj: Mediation “onitoring and Operational Ree”
"lan for Roagerik Atoll


forty (40) copies of » hand-drawn map of RONGERIX (not draw to scale).

Yetails concerning the foregoing rad/eafety requirenents first should be

obtains’ from Lt Colonel Jams £. Crosby, Directorate of Operations, this


The Comnander, Test Aircraft nit, has been requeste’ to

rrovide the Test Servicas Mit with the following items of equipmnt to

support at least six (6) personnel who will constitute the re-entry team:

Fatigue type suits


Heavy sacks




Tretective gloves


Fatigue type caps


shoe protective covers

(7; TalB monitors (approximtely four (4))

Film badves

(9) Tocket dosimeters

&8ottles or other adequate containers for water, foot,
ani #c11 saaples.

The exact quantities, types end aises as epprorriate, of the sbove iten:,

whieh are required fer this operation, will be trnnsmitted to the Test
‘ireraft Unit through direct coordinative action by the Commndsr, Test

Services Unit. The ‘ed/afety memer of each re-entry teas ust insure
thet the protective devices and equipment are properly worn and/or used
at all times.

i. Tne Commander, Teast Services Unit, will be responsible for
ormnizing the re-entry team snd insuring that necessary materiel, particulsrly emerrency an! protective equipnent adequate to meet the requiremonte of the operstion, accompanies each re-entry party. He will insure
that all personnel, including the aireraft crew, possese requirei filn
bedeces, dosimaters, ete., this latter funetim to be coordinnted with the
Rade. afety monitor. ‘Ye will insure that the entire re-entry rerty are


Select target paragraph3