
DOD DIR 5200.10

Hq Wen Rept ‘tlm

:ubjiPOR,DIF§20)04o04toring and Operstional Readiness

Plan for Ru: erik Atoll

The Test Services Unit will coordinate this raquiremant with the Direstor
of Fersonnel, this headquarters, who is initiating appropriate action.
ad. 4 Radiological Safety Monitor will accompany, and be a
momber of, each re-entry team; and it is the responsibility of the operating unit to insure that this requirement is fulfilled.
e. The Commander, Test Aircraft Unit, will provide the Test
Services Unit with e fully qualified Radiological Safety Monitor who
will acco:pany, and become a member of each re-entry team, until such
time as the radiation level on HONGSHIK does not constitute eae hazard to
personnel. The Commander, Test Aircraft Unit, has knowledge of this requirement and will be contacted directly in further coordination to be
effected by the Commander, Test “Services Unit.


As part of his specific duties, the ad/Safety monitor will:

Ineure that no member of the re-entry party is unduly

exposed to excessive radiation.


Brief the team prior to take-off concerning the radia-


Determine the radiation hazard at each location on

tion hazards which they are likely to encounter.

RONGERIK scheduled for re-entry during a mission, this

function to be completed bafore an individual enters

the particular location.


Coordinate the issue of film badges, dosimeters, etc.,

to all members of the re-entry party, supervise the

use and handling of the equipment and insure its proper
post—niesion Aisposition.


f. On esch re-entry misaion, radiation intensities, as indicated by detection instruments, will be recorded and forwarded to the
Director of Operations, this headquarters, ATIN: Technical Frojects
Division, upon return of the team to ENIWETOX. In addition, samples of
coral and other contaminated debris, found in the vicinity of working
areas at FRONCERIK, will be obtained under the direct supervisian of the

Rad/Safety monitor, who will convey the samples to a representative of
Task Croup 7.1 upon return of the team to ENIWETOK. The Rad/Safety member
ef the team also will record on a map or sketch the approximate physical
loestion on the igland at which each sample was collected. To assist in

recording this important date, there are attached hereto, ss Inclosure $1,

DOD DIR 5200.10


Select target paragraph3