aw B=

Procurement and industrial Development Activities
ALC iponsorad Hesearch and Development

Twenty of the civil defense radiction monitors manufactured by the
Victoreen -nstrument Company under 45C contract wera received during December.
These instruments are of the lonization chamber type employing the Dudridge-

Brown electrometer circuit.

The upper range of these instruments is 25 reent-

gens per hour. io determiaat.on hag buen made of the spectral and perfcrmance
characteristics of these instruments.

Inspection and testing
During the month of Jecember, one hundred and eighty radintion detection

inetruments, accesscrivs and corpenents were received and tested.


five heutron dosimeters produced oy the Cambridgs Inatrument Conpanywere

rejectad because cf sanufacturing defects,

Since these dosineters were pro-

eured under 2 ,rouucvion Jevelopment contract supervisuc by the NYO Instruments
Sranch, they will Se ceturmed to their laborstory fer further inspection and
Yeturn to the manufacturer,

Technical voordin:tion Activities

in order te promote zgmonz the (EC instruments group a more personal interest

in the overall instrument progrum, a series of biocrephical sketches on the
deading instrument perscanel is to be a reguler feature in 2A-DET. The academic
and experience background of the incividuals will be briefly outlined, wide the

significant contributions to radiution instrument.tion will be hich Lighted,

In view of the wide intersst on the frogrens of cur Special Slectron Tube
Development Program, the monthly progress repurta suomitteda by SCA will be-

pudlishud in s4e0:T. HOA has buen contacted and not only has no objections to
the idea, but is decidedly in favor of it,
Military -ctavities in Radic tion inatmmentation _
Progress reports concerning the wany military acministered contracts
involving research in radiztion detection have not recsived sufficient distri-

bution within the AEC. Since it would be difficult to obtcin the number of
copies to male ea complete distribution, the Sraneh is planning te abstrnct and
Giagaminate this information directly. Initially, a Cospendiue sill be distri-~
buted liating the activitise and prosress to date. Supplementary "newn letters*

will, 2a gent out aontniy.

Givil Ualense Radiolezical Yonitoring
& member of the Branch accompanied Hr. H.D, LeVine of the Y¥0O on a visit

te the Veston inutrument Company to invastigcta the technical characteristics



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Select target paragraph3