“eview of Publie Shelter Plans ~ The Commission has informed the SHB
that Ti “lll oxanine [cor safety ‘actors, if subject to atemic bomb attack,
the cl.rs for the Doston Common underground garage and plans for one other
dual-purpose structure as requested by the AFC and the “SRA,

Review of White House “Lang (@imedsewettenes
Plans for construction ;roposed for the East Terrace of the

white House

have been reviewad by ths icting “hief, Civil Lerense Liaison Branch at the

request of the jirchitect of tha white Touse.

Federal Civil Defense Administration-HSRe Briefing Session
Arrangements were meade by the Sranch for a briefing session by FCDA and
NSRB personnel with AEC staff membera to discuss civil defense activitios
related to the three ![C communities. At the meeting the process ef designation of so-callad critical target are:s throughout the country was explained

and the factors deternining such designation ware cutlinedc, State sans
showing c itical areas for the States containing the FEC communities and
States adjacent thereto were provided and have deen transmitted to the

Inferm:tion furnished 2th and Wark

The Acting Temity ‘dministrater, TCA ena the Director, Nealth eagurces
Offices, NSHDB have been furnished 2 statement cf levels of radiosetive centenina-

tion in water and foot nernicsible undar emergency cenditions. This statement
was prem red Tor use of the ALC emmrcecucy radi.tion monitoring teams in event
of atomic diszueter and was Turnishsd these agencies for use in their national
civil dectense orcrvrar,

Review of FOTA Noctmenta

The "Health Services and Special jrapona Tefense" anual was further
reviewed for technical accuracy in galleyeproof inu pa-e=,roof form by members

of the Livision prier to its public release on December 27, 1950.

Redistion instrumsnts Jiranch

( Snes.

The FCDa issued specifications for Giwil Lefense Radiological Yonitcring
Instruments on December 6, 1950, as the result of initial broad specifications
preparsd by the ttadiation instruments #ranch. Although there sre several points
in the issued specifications with which #SG persons are notin complete agree—ment, the spacifications will be useful to racistion instruments sanufecturers
in giving them firm operational characteristics to which they cen design


it is proposed that resulting prototype instruments will be

@valuated by the National Bureau of Standards.

Arrangements were nade to loan the State of Dilineis a number of instru-

mite for training Civil Defense tadiolovical Monitors.



Select target paragraph3