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Dr. Andrew H, Dewdy, Prefessor of Radiology and Shairnen ef the Department, Medical School of the University of California at Los Angeles,
formerly Professor of Radiology at the University of Rochester Medical
School and head of the AEC research laboratories located there.

Dr. Louise H. Rempeleann, “ssociate Professor of Radiclogy at the

University of Rochestur Medical School, Special Assistant to the Director
of tha Division of Biology md Medicine of the AEC, formerly head of the

Health Division, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.

Dr. Robert ¥. Loeb, Hard Professor of Medicine, Callege ef Physicians

and Surgeons, Columbia University; specialist in Pathology and ‘nternal

Medicine, Chairmen, Medical, Seard of ieviaw, AEC, Wh7. 8
Dr. Curt Stern, Geneticist and Professer ef
California, menber of 4EC 4,visory Counittes fer



» University of
end Medicine,

forserly Chairman of Division of “Sologinal Seiences, University ef

Rochester, aud goneticiat with the ABC project leased there,


Dr. Shiolds Warren Professor gf Pathology, Narvard Univergity Yedical
Sehool, “irector, bsyv4sion ef Piology aid Medicine, avo.

Brigadier General Jases FP. Cooney for the Army, Admiral Thomas'G.
anderson and Dx, Robert Flinn for the NGRB , md Majer Gerrit. 1.

Wekhuis for the Air Force




perticipsted in a meeting at the officas of the Division ef Biclogy and

Medicine on Decenber 8, 1950 for the purpose ef studying the anount of |
external radiation from radioactive materiale that military personnel could

tolerate and still effectively carry out their aseigned duties and miesions

in the drmed Forces, In arriving at the canciueions the Gomittee took into
account the resulta of extensive aninal experiments, the response of patiants
treated for disease by x-ray and radius, obeervations on the effect of
radiations from the stom bomb detonated over the Japanese cities of Hiroshina
and Hagatekt and accidental radiation exposures within the Manhattan Project
and the APC.

Menbers of the Division af Biology and Medicine soted as etaff to this
Goenittee in collecting and summarizing pertinent svailable research data
and clinicai information and presenting it to the Committee for their

The following questions were prepounded and the ‘answern sro wet forth es deter

mined by the Committee;


Question 1, Assume that troopa are acutely exposed te penetrating lenising

radiation (gama rays). at what dosage level will they becuse ineffective as

Anawer of the Committes - Uniform dosage of SOr te a group of armed force
personnel will not appreciably affect their efficiency as a Lighting unite
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Select target paragraph3