
Iowa State College (Contract No. £T(1i-&)-73-I)(Renewal) - $14,67h (1 yesr)

Investigator: Dr. Samuel Aronoff
Title: "Research on the Metabolism and Physiology ef Reots"

Iowa State College (Contract No. AT(1-1)—73-II (Renewal) - $9,900 (1 year)


Reis Sealock

Title: ‘The Combined Biochemical and Physiological Action of Tyrosine
and Vitamin Bela"

Wichigan State College - $8,700 (1 year)

Dr. H. 5. Tukey

Title: “The Absorption and Utilisation of Radtonuelides Applied te the
Leaves of Plants* |

The Euory %. Thurston Labs., Los Angeles, Galif. ~ $6,000 (1 year)
Investigator: Dr. Benjamin uw. Ershoff


“Comparative Sffecte of the Snawm 8 Bitamins aul an Unidentified

Antitexic Factor in Liver on Rediation Injury in the Sat*


Washington University School of Medicine, Edward fallinckrodt institute

of Radiology

Part I - Investigator: Dr. Michel Ter~Pegessian
Title: “Measurement of Clinical X-fay Dosages and intensities by Means

of the Use of Scintillation Media " — $11,582 (1 year)

| Fave Tt ~ Investigator: Br. Wendellry Saett
Titles * Scanning of in vivo Concentrations of Radicactivity in om attempt

to Locate Netastatic Tumorssnd internal Malignancies in the HunanBody"

$20,30b (2 year)

Ad Hoc Pare) (geepuiimey
fn ad hoe panel ef radiologists and physicians consisting ef

Dr. Alan Gregg, Mrector of the Division of Medical. Sciences,
Rockefelier Foundation, and Chairman of the akC Aqvisory Committee
for Biology and “edicine, who acted as chairmen of this meeting
Dr. Austin 3. Brues, Associate Professor of Nedicine, University of
Chicago Medical School, and Senior BMologist and Director of the

Division of Biological and #edical Research, Argonne Rational
Laboratory of the AEC

Dr. Simeon T. Cantril, Radiologist with the Tumer Institute of The
Swedish Hospital, Seattle, Washington, consultant te the Atomic Exergy
Commiseion and to General Electric Company in their eperation of

Hanford Merks during the last war fulltine with the Manhatten Projeot


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