order to establish that this was better,
accumulate enough cases,



because while you make your certain

me start again,

the cure was not an all

You cured 50% of the cases,

all of any one of them.

you obviously had to


60% you didn't cure them

So in order to establish that you have to

have a hundred or two hundred here,

and then a hundred or two

hundred over here and then you got kind of an improvement you're

looking for,

especially now,

because the chances are you are

perhaps curing almost all those who can be cured,

in the early days,


so to speak,


when it was the French versus the

the difference was tremendous,

The Germans caused damage to the skin,

Make it that simple.

you see.

you could see

the French didn't.

It didn't take any brains to see that.

where you may get say treating a certain kind of


cancer with a

certain regime you get 40% cure. Now you want to go on and improve

and what kind of improvement are you looking at?



you get only 50% or 60% well in order to get the difference
between 40% and 60% on a firm basis you have to start with a large
number of patients.

That is perhaps a 100,

200 patients here and

a 100 200 patients there. That was one reason why I felt that
pooling or establishing a joint center for radiation therapy at
Harvard would give you these large groups who had been treated in
a relatively uniform way,

so that comparisons could be made.

just think in radiation therapy there might be,

there are ten kinds of cancer to be treated.
patients a year,
of these kinds of


I'll say

You only have 300

you might only have plenty of patients,

each one

distribution is a little different with them.


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