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A proect that took a great deal of my time and energy during the
periodi975-79 was the work of the National Acxadefly of Science
on Nuclear & Alternative Energy Systems.


There were about a half-dozen

pmpma people on the Committee and this book is the Keports issued in 1980.




The Committee on Nuclear and Alternative Energy Systems?



It's a good book because the United States is running into, —7

the world, not just the U.S.,

is going to run into a shoratage of fuel

to produce electgri¢city. Obviously, nuclear substances are one of the
fuels to produce electricity.

But most people somehow or other feel that

we can find a substitute for them, that we don't have to use nuclear energy
to produce electricity, that we can get our energy from the sun, the wind, etc.
This Report lays a baseline for such discussion.

aspectsm of the discussion in this book.

I did the radiological

That a great interest of mine, and a

very important one from a practical point of view, and in its way more important
than many of the the on-going topics in radiation biology.
More recently, I have written a review of The Nuclear Lion by John Jagger, ar




going to give you a copy of it.






Jagger's book is what you might call a continuation


of what the Report says about radiation. Affe ” eview is really a very good summary of

Wy his book, so that if you read it you almost don't have to read his book.


402 pages.

That's why I'm saying it.

I know the predicament you would be in if

you read everything that people threw at you; you'd never get through.
think my review very fairly Jaggerl.

But I

Now that point of view is not a popular one

in the united Statedtoday, but time will tell as to whether or not it is necessary

to adopt it.

This problem, as you can see, has been a major interest of mine.




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