satisfaction. However, the Deaconess Hospital did name the Lab after him the Shields Warren Laboratory.
[7. Blood Counts]


I'm just about finished. You mentioned something about doing

radiation therapy work in UCSFspecifically on the effects on blood count.




Did you work with, well what kind of work did you do with

that? And did you have any collaboration for some of the hematologists at


No, I was no great shakes. But where is that mentioned? That

paper was published in 1955, Changes in the Human Leukocyte Count during
X-ray Therapy for Cancer and Their Dependence Upon the Integral Dose. 1
had noticed when doing someclinical work that the literature on changes in
the blood count was very small, amazingly so. I had a technician who drew
the blood and did the counts of patients before, during and after treatment.

The results were interest@gthough I still am not sure as to what they mean.
Do you understand whatis meant by dose?


What do you mean by I don't understand?


Well, radiation dose means the amountof radiation given per

gram of exposed tissue. What I found wasthat if you irradiated a small part
of the neck, you got a certain depression of the blood count. If you irradiated
the whole neck, giving the same dose as before, you got a muchlargereffect.



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