The Committee on Nuclear and Alternative Energy Systems?


Yes. It's a good book because the United States is running into,-

the world not the United States- is going to run short of fuel to produce
electricity. Obviously, nuclear substances are one of the fuels to produce
electricity. But most people somehoworoth


that we can find a


substitute for them, that we don't have to use nuclear energy to produce
electricity, that we can get our energy from the sun, the wind, etc. This Report
lays a baseline for such discussion. I did the radiological aspects of the
discussion in this book. That was a great interest of mine, and a very
important one from a practical point of view, and in its way more important
than many of the on-going topics in radiation biology. Morerecently, I have
written a review of The Nuclear Lion by John Jagger, and I am going to give
you a copyof it. Jagger's book is what you mightcall a continuation of what
the Report says about radiation. My review is really a very good summary of
his, so that if you read it you almost don't have to read his book.


402 pages.


That's why I'm saying it. I know the predicamentyou're in if

you read everything that people threw at you, you'd never get through. But I
think that very fairly represents Jagger. Now that point of view is not a
popular onein the United States today, but time will tell as to whetherit is
necessary to adoptit. This problem, as you can see, has been a major interest
of mine. Whatelse can I tell you? It's difficult, I never thought of making a
summary evaluation of my career. I've enjoyed my career very, very much,



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