
F.D. Jennings and others; “Fallout Studies by Oceanographic Methods”; Project 2.62a,


M. Morgenthau and others; “Land Fallout Studies”; Project 2.65, Operation Redwing,

Operation Redwing, ITR-1316, November 1956; University of California, Scripps Institution o1
Oceanography, La Jolla, California; Secret Restricted Data.

ITR-~1319, December 1956; Radiological Division, Chemical Warfare Laboratories, Army

Chemical Center, Maryland; Secret Restricted Data.

17. C.F. Miller and P. Loeb; “The Ionization Rate and Photon Pulse Rate Decay of Fission

Products from Slow Neutron Fission of U’™”; USNRDL-TR-247, August 1958; U.S. Naval Radio-

logical Defense Laboratory, San Francisco 24, California; Unclassified.

P.D. LaRiviere; “The Relationship of Time of Peak Activity from Fallout to Time of

Arrival’; USNRDL-TR-137, February 1957; U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San
Francisco 24, California; Unclassified.

““T9. J.W. Hendricks; “Fallout Particle Size Measurements from Operation Redwing ”;

USNRDL-TR-264, July 1958; U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco 24,
California; Confidential.


S. Baum; “Behavior of Fallout Activity in the Ocean”; NRDL Technical Report(in publi-

cation); U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco 24, California; Secret.


C.E. Adams; “The Nature of Individual Radioactive Particles.


Fallout Particles

from M-Shot, Operation Ivy”; USNRDL-408, 1 July 1953; U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco 24, California; Confidential.


C.E. Adams; “The Nature of Individual Radioactive Particles.



C.E. Adams; “The Nature of Individual Radioactive Particles.


Fallout Particles

from the First Shot, Operation Castle”; USNRDL-TR-26, 17 January 1955; U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco 24, California; Confidential.
Fallout Particles

from Shots Zuni and Tewa, Operation Redwing”; USNRDL-TR-133, 1 February 1957; U.S. Nav
Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco 24, California; Confidential.

24. C.E. Adams and J. D. O’Connor; “The Nature of Individual Radioactive Particles. VI.
Fallout Particles from a Tower Shot, Operation Redwing”; USNRDL-TR-208, December 1957;

U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco 24, California; Unclassified.

25. W. Williamson, Jr.; “Investigation and Correlation of Some Physical Parameters of

Fallout Material”; USNRDL-TR-152, 28 March 1957; U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco 24, California; Unclassified.

26. J. Mackin and others; “Radiochemical Analysis of Individual Radioactive Fallout Parti-

cles from a Land Surface Detonation”; USNRDL-TR-386, September 1958; U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco 24, California; Unclassified.


C.D. Coryell and N. Sugarman; “Radiochemical Studies: The Fission Products”; Book 3;

McGraw-Hill, 1951.

28. “Radiochemical Procedures in Use at the University of California Radiation Laboratory,
Livermore”; UCRL-4377, 10 August 1954; University of California Radiation Laboratory, Livermore, California.

29. L.D. McIsaac; “Determination of Np*®, “Total Fissions,” Mo*’, and Ce’! in Fission

Product Mixtures by Gamma-RayScintillation Spectrometry”; USNRDL-TR-72, 5 January 1956;

U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco 24, California; Unclassified.


H.K. Chan; “Activity-Size Relationship of Fallout Particles from Two Shots, Operation

Redwing”; USNRDL-TR-314, February 1959; U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San
Francisco 24, California; Unclassified.

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