

1. C.E. Adams, F.R. Holden, and N.R. Wallace; “Fall-Out Phenomenology’; Annex ote

Operation Greenhouse, WT—4, August 1951; U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory,


Francisco 24, California; Confidential.

2. LG. Poppoff and others; “Fall-Out Particle Studies”; Project 2.5a-2, Operation Jangle,

WT—395 (in WT—371), April 1952; U.S. Naval Radiological Laboratory, San Francisco
24, California; Secret Restricted Data.

“3. R.K. Laurino and LG. Poppoff; “Contamination Patterns at Operation Jangle ; USNRDL399, 30 April 1953; U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco 24, California;

4. W.B. Heidt, Jr. and others; “Nature, Intensity, and Distribution of Fall-Out from Mike

LabShot”; Project 5.4a, Operation Ivy, WT~615, April 1953; U.S. Naval Radiological Defense

oratory, San Francisco 24, California; Unclassified



R.L. Stetson and others; “Distribution and Intensity of Fallout”; Project 2.5a, Operation

Castle, WT—915, January 1956; U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco 24,
California; Secret RestrictedData.



Headquarters, Joint Task Force Seven, letter; Subject: “Radiological Surveys of Several

Marshall Island Atolls,” 18 March 1954.



T.R. Folsom and L. B. Werner; “Distribution of Radioactive Fallout by Survey and Analy-

ses of Sea Water”; Project 2.7, Operation Castle, WT—935, April 1959; Scripps Institution of

Oceanography, La Jolla, California, and U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Fran-


cisco 24, California; Secret Restricted Data


8. H.D. LeVine and R.T. Graveson; “Radioactive Debris from Operation Castle Aerial Survey of Open Sea Following Yankee-Nectar”; NYO-4618.

9. M.B. Hawkins; “Determination of Radiological Hazard to Personnel”; Project 2.4, Operation Wigwam, WT-1012, May 1957; U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco
24, California; Official Use Only.


R.L. Stetson and others; “Distribution and Intensity of Fallout from the Underground

Shot”; Project 2.5.2, Operation Teapot, WT—1154, March 1958; U.S. Naval Radiological Defense
Laboratory, San Francisco 24, California; Unclassified.



D.C. Borg and others; “Radioactive Fall-Out Hazards from Surface Bursts of Very High

Yield Nuclear Weapons”; AFSWP-507, May 1954; Headquarters, Armed Forces Special Weapons
Project, Washington 13, D.C. ; Secret Restricted Data.


“Fall-Out Symposium”; AFSWP-895, January 1955; Armed Forces Special Weapons

Project, Washington 25, D.C.; Secret Restricted Data.


13. V.A.J. VanLint and others; “Fallout Studies During Operation Redwing”; Program 2,
Operation Redwing, ITR-1354, October 1956; Field Command, Armed Forces Special Weapons
Project, Sandia Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico; Secret Restricted Data.
14. R.T. Graveson; “Fallout Location and Delineation by Aerial Surveys”; Project 2.64,
Operation Redwing, ITR-1318, February 1957; U.S. AEC Health and Safety Laboratory, New
York, New York; Secret Restricted Data.



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