Brig. General K. &. Pielés


"90 Fetrvary 1953

at the tine of the presently planned test shot fanamch as the associated

eryogente logistics anf test drops are actually coming te completion at
ex shortly after the test dete.

Guergency espabdility is fur more easily,

or any





effectively demonstrated by methods other than using & live

bilan wea? te

available as a deviseSer_sensiteretionfer a Grop test.5 UELETED


Nowever, the Runt is the last ef the

Gevices echeduled fer final éesign freesing and vill be the last te be
eonstructed. This is necessarily se in view of the state of knowlege
ef systens of this mature. Accordingly, only the Alara Cle!



The dropping af the Runt or the Alara Clock would, presumbly, be a

pote hd Yea!OH


¢eask within Air Feree enpabilities.

Swh @ priori ignoresce vould seen to beéxtFensly unfortunate

ects instrusentation aad wight seriously jeopardise its



te Sods

5. Tt should ve reculied that the develoyecntal states of the BI-2},
36, anf 17 in emergency enpedility elosely parelie) the status of the

Begasaki and Eircshims bombs in the sense that the ectual reliability

of any of the componests will be fer from exactly knows. Tims, there

will exist the possibility ef failure er malfunction fuse to sampletely
minor and extraneous ressons. These reasons will act be known, but aa
wnnecessary stigus will be attached to the device which my be impossible
%o reacve and whish would not have cepurred bed a proper experinent been

It must be recalled that the definition ef “emergency eapebility”

is that only mon-knowa eleracteristics af the deviee will prevest ite

Models of these devices


delivery by existing airsreft in time of war.


tbat heve the same reliability now expected of ecuventionsl weapons will
require long ané arduous further stuty, Aavelopasnt, sad fielt testing

at feat


date .

of the Sandie Corporation type.

The certainty of ony air drop exunct be goarantecdat this tine.

Teas (t tonld de necessary for J-Division te plaza on both an sir drep



end eo barge capability for e given test if this philosophy vere agreed
ups. Accordingly, for this reeson alone, the introfustion ef an air
drop does not simplify the test program bet rether somplieates it. Even
were 1¢ gertain thet an air drop vere possible, the resulting operation
ie act necessarily less ecmplicated except fer the fact that fev

edservations sre mde.

Ect to do a test at all, of course, is a

Spe on


simplification ef the same sert. | That sir drepe thenselves present.

ih ya de ‘


Select target paragraph3