
before the arrival of the team and attending newmen (sic) in:isted
that 'time is precious' and demanded a definite decision and ‘the
temporarily denicd raason thereof." .
"It was in this context that the medical tear anf entourage
actually arrived on Nec. 7.
©n Dec. 6, Rep. Balos had requcsted
MLSC to step into the case and formally represent himself anc the
Ronee LapMunicpal (sic) Counctl in the continuing negotiations
with the AG.
Neither Ataji nor myself had any knowledge of the actual
ingress into the TT of the group.
Ataji had assumed that they would
remain in Japan until permission had been obtained from Saipan.
of the members of the group obtained a US visa in Japan and apparently
- decided to enter the Trust Territory as tourists and clear up the | +
business of government approval to do their actual work after their:
It should also be noted that the group had made a rather
, confused and incomplete agplication to Saipan before their departure.
The initial application stated that only one doctor was in the party and

listed additional mempers as ‘labor leaders.‘



“The medical team was sponsored by the Guensuikon, the Japan
iCongress against Nuclear Weapoos.
This organization is based in
+, Hiroshima and is informally affiliated’ with the Socialist Party in
Gensuikon is not, hewever, a distinctly political organization
and, according to the newsmen accompanying the party, receive. broad
, Support from a number of political elements in Japan.



"Rep. Balos initially coritacted Gensuikon during a visit to
* Japan in August, 1497].
At that time, he expl:ined to Gensuikon
‘that as representative of the people of Utrik (sic) and Rongelep
he had received continuous, factually sound complaints from the people
of there islands concerning injuries resulting from nuclear fall-out
- and, also, the failure of the AFC field teams to treat many individual
victims or properly report.the acological and physical deterioraticn
accruing on the islunds as a rvsult of the March 1954 bomb tests on
Gensuikon had been inetrumental in assiting (sic) the crew
+ Members of the Lucky Dragon, the Japanese fishing boat affected by the
Bate DSinb test, in their efforts to obtain cor; ensation from the U.S.
Perhaps for that reason, Gensuikon agreed to organize :' -and Sponsor a medical team to visit the Utirik and Rony lap atolls.
“The team was headed by Dr. Ximi Honda, a specisa: ct in internal
«medicine and member of Gensuikon.
At the request of 1. tla Thosas, |
‘the head of the Ronglap (sic) Municipal Counci., Dr. * -ous Exeki 4

affiliated himself with the effort.

Dr. Ezaki is a yr «:mminent- (sic)

specialist in thyroid disorders, caused by radiation.
2 is head ,of
the Department of Ridioloay at the University of Hires «ima,
relaind:r of the group was composed of two menbers of
«.nsuikon t
Serve as assistants to the doctors, a translator and s -tographer
Four newsmen from the largzst newspapers, in Japan attended the te m.
One indi vidual who was returning to Micj}onesia from Japan on the
Gwe plune as the medical team stated that at least fifty people from:
ethics news sources ond live television coveraye attended the depa cure

of the yroup from the Tokyo airport cn [jec, 6th.



“On the morning of bec. 8,.1971, a meating was held in the Nitajela
chamber: attended by myself, texp. Balos and the contingent from Japan.:
This was my first kniewledge of the medital can's (sic) actual presence
in magyso.
They explained that they ‘hae, entered as tourists and requeste:t
thal vo loka imme tiate steps to obtain perisssion (sic) to change
that stccus so tury could begin thoir work. “Kh hectic gxamination of




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