1l6!:. DAY

of atomic and nuclear weepons, have been making visits to Rongelap and

Utirik every year.

The chject of their visits, hcw ver, appears to be

the collection of medica) data instead of the restoration ct health to

H-bomb victima who have developed all kinds of discuses and abnormaiities..
“Mr. Speaker and members of the House, there is reason to believe that
the Adminrstering Authority has chosen to neglect and ignore the health of
the H-bomb vittims in Rongelap and Utirik and is now obstructing efforts

i; by. others to restore health to these unfortunate victims of the borh.


am convinced that they have not been given proper medical examination nor

adequate treatment.

These observations are also shared by a professional: s:

Japanese tnedical team that I invitud to help our pesple but who were unaiys

ceremoniously deported trom Micronesia by High Coruissioner Johnstcen and,his

company, Acting Attorney General Bowles.
AS true guardian of the -aterests
of the people of Micronesia, we must not allow these people, few and remote
as they are, to live the way they have -lived without seeking ways cd means

to help them.


For 18 years they have quietly suffered and died, buc now

‘thay see a ray' of hope in this Conjgress in assisting them.

*"On their behalf, therefore, I am requesting that this Congr2s3 in
somo appropriate manner indicate its displeasure at the deportation by i:

the Administering Authority of the Japanese medical team who came to

Hiicronesia last December for the purpose of aiding the H-boamb victims in
-Rongeclap and Utirik.
I am sure that they will rejoice at such an action
by their leaders.



i-s"I am also requesting on their behalf that the Congress of Micronesia

wy essist in the restoration of their health and extend an ofticial invitation
to the Worid Health Organization and the Japan Conjress Against f-and
H-Bombs fo come to Micronesia to investigate and. cxamine Lie heasu,

conditions of the pecple of Rongelap and Utirik.


"If there is no cbjection from my colleagues, I would like, Mr.


Speaker, to insert into the official records of the House certain information pertaining to wnat I have just been sharing with you for the last
Beveral minutes.


'"Tha.k you very much.*


The Chair recognized Representative Setik.
Repres entative Eetik:
Mr. Speaker, I share the sam: feeling CongressMan Polos mentioned.
i would like the information to which the Congresstcn

reforred .o beccme a permanent record of the Congress, and I offer it for
the record.

"December 16, 1971 Office Memorandum



D. F, Olsen


Visit of Japanese Medical Su.jvey Team, December 7, "1973
to December 15, 1971








“prior to the arrival of the team ,n Majuro on Dec, 7th,
Ataji Balos had made repeated requist (sic) to the Hicenm

for ;ermission for the greup to be alloyed to visit the nuclear berd
The response of the Attorney jrues tal was that the appli-~
cations were under consideration but "tyr.-cvarily dcnied.*
tho reason

_§or the denial was ever stated by the Aye: Gancral in the dis-_
neteches recelvec..-cfore the grove: arrived, * Rep. balos* last cable


Select target paragraph3