to work the aborting aircraft back into the schedule at an ap»ropriate

place where he would not hindcr other aircraft in their taxiing or take-


One violation of this was a Navy aircraft (13 BABYFOCD) abort.


pulled back into Ais parking arca to correct the discromuncy,.... A-WB~29
(WILSON 1) was cleared onto the runway from his parking aroa to taxi to
the end of the runway for run-up.

parking area,

To do this he had to pass the Navy

Prior to reaching this arca tho Navy airereft returned to

the runwoy, thus causing the WB+-29 to stop and hold position on the run~

The Navy aircraft made a 180° turn and re~cntered the parking arca.
An example of poor pilot judgment was demonstrated when one aircraft

entcred the traffic paticrn with two F-84 aircraft in take~off position,
He continued his pattern and turned on finel ap-roach just as the fighters

wore begining their take-off roll, Whon the JATO fog from the fightodg |
obscured the runway, he had to pull up and go around,
more time than was necessary,

thus consuming

Had he properly planned his landing to

coincide with the JATO take-offs his landing could have becn e:medited,.
fhe differan$ occasions were notcd whore heliconters violated the
rules of good safcty techniqucs,

One helicoptcr made his landing

ap>roach in front of a PAY Navy aircraft which was about four miles

out in final approach,

Another hclicoptcr landing on the runway in front

o6 two F-84 aircraft that wore in take-off position with thcir JATO units


This could have been disastrous in case of a misfire.

Here we

had poor pilot judgment as wcll as poor control tower »sroccdurcs.



Select target paragraph3