

The weather caused numerous delays in the firing of ROMEO.


shot was originally scheduled for 11 March, then later changed to 13

There were to be many more changes of R-Day before the weapon

was actually fired,

This delay was quite disconcerting and-caused

much consternation among all the Air Task Grou» personnel,

To fit

this particular situation, a familiar squib was borrowed fron
Shakespeare: "Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou?" Eventually this

shot was to be fired on 27 March,
During the delay we had to fly the aircraft many times in order to
keep them from getting "grounditis."

These additional flights cost us

many aircraft hours that had not been planned for,

These flights proved

worthwhile and timely for they brought forth discrepancies that had ace.
cumulated due to the aircraft sctting on the ground so long.


A good

exa:ple of this was corrosion in the sequence valve of the landing gear

side strut on two B-36 aircraft.
One of the B-36 shakodown flights, the landing gear system would not
cycle properly and there was some concern as to their safc landing.
landings were accomplished and discrepancics corrected,


Howse, on R-Day

another abort of a B36 sample aircraft wasErect) duc to landing goor

A quick turn around of two hours was accumpliished after minor




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