
sereen the nominations and recomend to the Commander their choice
for each award.

Recom:endations were to be made after all nominations

were received in April,

Ali awards are to be presented at the April

Flight Safety meeting,
The monthly Flight Safety meeting was conducted on 16 Ilarch,


meeting was held in the Task Group briefing room and the following
subjects presented:

Discussion and denonstration of the S~4 High

Altitude Suit by

: and


the SAC Test Detachment; two incident revarts br

Minor Accident Resort, 3 ifarch, by i

3 VHF/DF, by


_, the

3 GCA capability, by

_ and a lasting com:ent of

"Tne most fatal error in flying safety is to accent prevailing

conditions as satisfactory,"
lore than 220 neonle attended this meeting anc m ny com ents were

received on the effectivenes: of the presentations,

Plans were immed-

lately started far an interesting meeting in Avril.

It was ~ known 7att

that interesting mec\ings keep interest in Flight Safety very ‘igh,
whereas dull meetings tend to dampen this interest.
On 18 March, Coordination was effected between the Commanders of
the Test Support and ‘est jireraf%
taining to helicopters and jets.

Units for a safer oeration perThe Test Sunvort helicooters tad been

landing very close to the jet aircraft mriting and run-u> area,


heliconters vere whipying un rocks anc light debris Wrich were in tvra
blown toward the jet parking area,

When jets were in tne run-up arca,

these rocks and debris could easily be sucked inte the. Jvaxe anc ruin


Select target paragraph3