On Be2 days all ad rcraft maintonance test flights wore completed
and minor repairs end adjustments wore made to give the highest "in
commission” rata possible for tho first shot.

Tho dreraft stctus was

looking good md overyone was ready for tho final dey prior to BRAVO.
B-L found tho whole island humming with last minute prcparations.
Tho Operations Yirectar ate had to assure complete coordination botweon

the 40C and “ontro] Tower, tho AOC and CIC, and all participating

In tho afternoon of Bel, the process of marshaling the aircraft
was begun.

4ho problems concerning narshaling had been conquored in

the two rehearsals and was accam>lished with caso on this dey.


shaling of adarcraft was necessitated at Eniwotok duo to tho Limited

parking areas and the largo number of aircraft particioeting in tho

Marshaling wes accan>lished on the cngino run-up pad at

the west ond of the runway and nost taxi-ways and renvs.

-iftcr tho

last aircraft was in position, tho major part of the Ovcrations
responsibility was over until the first aircrews reported to their
aircraft for crow insoctions.

‘» Director of Operations, was in place aboard the

RB-3@_controller, to carry the command function for the Commmdor into
the sampling arca which is normally beyond the convrol of the CIC,
worked very closcly with the Douty Voemen tor in
the 1.0C.

Frequent chocks of the wmnitrol tower were made to insure that



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