
This first phase investigated the problems associated with the
assumption that a partial or complete evacuation of TG 7.4 might be
necessary from Eniwetok.

The details of this study are available in

‘the CASTLE Files.”
Dre :

» SAC Operations Analyst, performing duties with

Headquarters, Task Group 7.4, was preparing a study of the possible
effects which such planed tests might have on Eniwetok Island.
paper will be discussed in a later chapter,


Meanwhile, the

problems associated with the assumption that Eniwetok might not have to
be evacuated for a test conducted at MIKE Crater wero being investigated
in a separate study by the Plans and Recuirements Division.


was given to those precautions which had to be taken to safeguard personnel and ecuipment from the direct and indirect hazards which were
likely to ensue from tests conducted in the Eniwetok Area,

At 1400 hours on 29 March, the ROMEO critique was held in building


The meeting was opened by L. ~


Ha introduced Lt

+, Commander of Weather Central Element, who reviowed the

weather prior to ROMEO shot.

predicted winds prior to



had prepared a char* of

ROMEO shot versus actual cbserved winds on shot

Throughout 75 percent of the period discussed, winds were in the

direction and at the speeds indicated.
continued the critique by reviesétg tha incidents

and difficulties experienced by Task Group:7.4 on ROMEO Jey,

‘the inci.-

dent of an F-°4 landinz with the runway partially blocked by a Coleman

54. Staff Study.

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Select target paragraph3