- ew

Inspections of runways and parking areas were made by Captain
McFadden, Group Flight safety Officer, three days prior to B-Day
and three days prior to R-Day.

Action was taken to correct ell


Captain Austin L. Shamblin, Communications Officer, remains on
TY to Heaaquarters Task Group 7.4 assuming the duties of Assistant
Communications Officer of that organization,
On 4 March 1954 one -47, piloted by Captein Helterbran, proceeded from this station to Kwajalein Atoll in support of the Navy.

Bikini are now water landings.

All lendings at

During this period of Navy support,



loaned for use in airlift to and from Bikini.


Use of this C-47 was as result of Navy amphibious aircraft being

thirteen flights were canpleted carrying 7700 pounds of cargo, 70
passengers and totalling 33:50 hours of flying time,

Annex "C" to Task Group 7.4 Operations flan 2-54 was written
by this office,

This amnex pertains to the responsibilities of the

4930th Test Support Group in the event of Natural Disaster.

TSG Hegulation 60-7 "AF Form 1 Entries" was edited and approved.
The purpose of this regulation is to establish standards and uniform
symbols and entries in AF Forms l.
The Photographic Laboratory is operating with continuing increase
of ease and quality due to addition of facilities and equipment.
Increased production by 300% was noted as the laboratory be-



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