
On 2 March 194 the Air Force Softball and Volleyball Leagues

got under way. A total of ten (10) softball and sixteen (16)
volleyballteams were entered.
Due to work load and pressure from long hours and night
work a full day of recreation amd entertainment was planned for
all Air Force units on 4 March 1954.

Softball and volleyb<ll games

were worked up, a shell hunt and picnic wes held at Japtan Island
with about one hundred fifty in attendance and a shell hunt at
Glenn Island with about seventy-five

in attendance.


tion to Glenn Island was by H-19 aircraft and to Japtan by M-boat.
Pocket novels were received from Special services of Task Group


Twelve hundred and fifty of these books were distributed among.5


Air Force Units.
A wide selection of magazines were purchased for Weather Island personnel using funds from the Central Fost Fund.


seem to be the most effective morale factor on the Jeather islands
and the supply and distribution of film to these islands is working
out very satisfactorily.

several other items of recreational eqiip-

ment were procured and distributed to Weather Island personnel during





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