appeared to be inadequate. Since that time additional personnel have ben
assigned as indicated in paragraph 3d of the inclosea inspection report,
datcu 5 March. One additional airman, S/Sgt Hecsh, 64151, arrived on or
abcut 8 March from Jchnston Island for duty with this section, With this

increase in qualified people, Captan Naher has been able to secresn his Plants

account records, bring his forms 90A up to datc, prepare a consolidated fron
his own records, compare that to the consolidated, prepared by Base Surply
and furnished him 24 March, and accomplish an inventory of this rroperty.
This inventory has just been completed and the nocessary resesren te tow

up the varicus discrepancies has not been accomplisied.,

When this bas oeaca

done, accurate hand receipts will be accomplished for the signature of the
verious sections which draw supplics and cquipment from the Communications
Information available indicates that the Commander, 1808th ACS
Ning, Tokyo, arranged for the transfer of.a Supply Officer for the Co mmni-

cations Element, scheduled to arrive shortly after 1 April.

Upor his arri-

val, he can work with
in the final recheeks of tho props? ty,
accomplish whatever inventories he desires in order that he will bo setisfied to assume responsibility for this account. Sinee indic.tions ars thet

this account has nover been given the sh. ke down it is now racciving, there

will undoubtedly be e number of adjustments in the records which my require
Report of Survey action. 1. the same time it is believed that a tremendous
quantity of supplies in dollar value will be picked up as overages and
brought back to appropriate suoply records.
It is cstimated that this pro-

cess will be completcd in about thi:ty (30) days.

Conclusions and recommendsticns:





and ‘is personnel are worthy of specist re-


cognition for the outstanding job they have acsomplishad in a short tl. 2.

_ Sermander, Test Services Unit, «nd.

Commander, Communications Element, are completely wwere of tno otis

of this account and have ected in an agressive end cooperntive manner in
bringing the account to acceptable standards.


‘trat an interim projeet ve established uo wre.


local manufacture of etherwise, adcguacc, uniform bing Pes atowe obi iy
utilization of the limited spacc,
da. That ouilding “6L0 be rotoined «s 2 ¢ munalificd stovace foc. ity Yor usc by the Comamnications Elviwent andfor a ee.
Sut Sora
those items of conmunications equipment, cubjcet te sssestca sin Cron the
clinctie conditiors.

1 facl
Taor ept for 2 Fob

Duar 34


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Select target paragraph3