B/Ltr=fr Hq, REP, APO 187, c/o PM, San Francisco, Calif., Subj:

Weather Balloons, dtd 13 Mar 54

Other balloons reccived are admittedly of the poorer types available.
The operators making the observations have done extremely well with the
matericl at their disposal.
4. The secondary reason for failure to obtain the desired heights
is the very low tcmperature ancountered at the tropopause in this regio n

which is much lower than in the Unitci States.

In gencral the balloons

become hard and brittic Losing their ability to oxpand or to retain the ir
internal pressure as they rise and thus burst at a comparatively low altitude.

The third reason for failure to obtain the desircd heights is

moisture encountered,

cspecially at tiajuro, Kusaic and Ponape.


the ice crystals formed weaken the vallcons, but this is a technical miiter which I am not qualified or prepared to evaluate. The results are
consistent, When cxcessive moisture is present, comparatively low
heights are obtained and no amcunt of re-releases will produue increased


If new balloons of the type originally requested are obtained,

the 90,000 foot height might be attained or surpassed, The second and
third factors (low temperatures and moisture) will undoubtedly haveams ~
detrimental effect, not experienced in the zone of interior on even these
balloons, It is my personal opinion that an average of 90,000 feet will
be surpassed but this cannot be guaranteed,
7. If new ballcons are procured, the most expeditious supply action would require two and a half weeks to place them in the hands of
the operating personnel. Thus 375 of cach type wovld be necessery to
complete the operation if Rongerik can be roturned to operation by the
end of this month or 300 of cach tyve necessary if Rongerik is not
returned to full operation but used only one or two days prior to shut}
&. Factors to be considered in making the devwision on ordcring
additional balloons are as follows:
a. New balloons may attain average heights of 10,000 feet fuen
than present balloons. ciany indiviazuil heights may be evpacted to LOO ,000
feet and above, This my or may net oc at critical vines,


Now bolloons would preuwoly not be riccived prisr to 27 “arc,


«@iditional expense will bs réjuired vo chutin i he bathers.

The $90 gram night balloons will cost ~700,00 if Hongerdn is not reterncd

to full operation and $1050,C0 if Rongerik is in fall ereration btn.
april, I understand that some $5000.00 orisinally cet aside by Task Sreus4
7.4 for the purchase of tho original 500 eran balloca ums nob vlad, ia
so, this money aiculd be available fuc thet nurzose, The other ovticen
is a standard Air force itom and should cntail no adiditiongi cxrence,
Other costs would be for transportation and handling which I Aev? no mers
of extimating,

Select target paragraph3