TOMS 400, Subj:

Weather Island Eoui pment


It will insure your dotachmonts of on hand serviceable cquipment
with which they are familiar and can depend upon in future operations.


It will prevent the wastcful deterioration of valuable couipnent
by being maintained in a ready condition.


It would appcar to increase the mebility potential of the detachnents.


It would very likely increese the efficiency of your detachments
since they could be assured of arriving at the point of oncration
with properly maintained cauipment.
It would follow what appears to be a reasonable precert of placing
primary responsibility for the handling of the ecuipment in the
hands of a unit which will be using it under operntional conditions
and finally, but probably nost important, it would save many Air
Force dollars annually in the support of nuclear tests in the
Pacifie Proving Grounds.

4. For your further information, an evaluation of the weather islandpopes ty
yy the Cormander, Weather Reporting Element, Provisional, is quoted in p.rt™in
Tnelosure To. 1.
Inclosure No. 2 is a repraesent2ztive weather island paccge a 3
cequusted by Commander, 6th Weather Squadron, Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma. Only
the non-expendable items are concerned in this proposal.

2 Incls:
1, 2nd Ind, in part, fr
WREP to TSUP, dtd
13 Mar 954
2. Woa Island Package

Brigadier Gencral, USAF




Select target paragraph3