


how long he estimated it would take for him

to assume responsibility for the

plant account property in a proner manner.

He estimates approximately two (2) months,

Not understanding tue condition

of the account, I questioned him as to why he folt such a long period would
be required to take over this plant account. I was conducted on a brief
inspection of his area where considerable supplies are stored outside, sub-

jectto the elements, A great nartion of these were represented to me as
components of sets, such as SCR399 and 49°, which have becn issued to AACS

people from Base Sup:ly and only a relatively few of the components actually

placed in use, Some of these are scattered out into various locaticns where
AACS property is in use in this arca, for example, Bikini. I was not shown
any records which would indicate that a locator systam is in use for the

control of this property, Time did not permit going into every detail of
the operation, therefore, same t;pe of locator system may be in use but it

was not brought to ny attention.

In addition, I noted items which it secmed

possible might be excoss to their requiraments and asked

__ .


he had not turned-in these items, An cyample was anproxdmatcly twenty (20)
or twenty-five (25) BC779 recciver and power supdi7 units in storag: ina
hut. He stated he did not have authority to turn these items in to Base
Supply and declare them excess to necds of this operation, Realizing that
I am not in any position to judge whether the items are in cxcess I made
no further investigation of the matter. °

Conclusions and recommendations:

ae That since the project of ordering snares for the comiunicctions
sets is only approximately 25% completed ,
estimate) and ree
cognizing the scriousness of a breaddown in cammmications as a part of the

mission of Task Group 7.4, it is recomicnded that im :cdiate action be taken
to complete this project in order that these sparcs might begin to arrive
in this area as soon as possible,

b. That sinc
is here on TDY and
manent officer consideration be given to allowing

is 4 perto con-

centrate his cfforts on rescarch and ordering spare parts rather thai por-

forming the functions of

AACS Detachment,

the permanently assigned cfficer for ‘the

I realize this is a command percgative

with the Comunder

of the Communications Element and I make this rccommendation only with the
idoa of preventing (


> from consuming several weeks in lecating

and inventorying the large plant account now signed out to

at a later date, it is determined that



is to remein here and

the task of ordering spares has been completed, this mitht, at that time,
be a Wise course of action,


It is r:com-cended that the Conmander of the Tcst Scrviccs Unit,

Provisional, have this matter brought to his aticntion in order that he
night take whatever action he deoms ap ropriate after cvalucting the

Select target paragraph3