officers in grades of Lt Colonel and M-‘or who were desirous of attending,
but were frozen in their particular assignments, or could not be released
at that time.

A copy of this letter was routed to all staff sections

and posted on the bulletin Board.



. was returned to

Kirtland on 28 March for reassignment due to medical reasons and his
being surplus to Task Group needs.

On the same date, we received Air

Force special orders announcing the rrorotion of the follewing first

lieutenants to Captain:



and +


» Headquarters, Tusk Group 7.4:
, Test Suprort Unit.

On 30 March AFSWC wrote the Air Grovp cencerning the forthcoming mecting of the Air Force Selection Board to consider regular Air

Force officers for permanent prorotion to colonel.
given wide disseminetion.

This information was

Fersonnel requested spocial orders be pub-

lished by the Adjutant placing *

of the Operations

Directorate on further TDY to Tripler Army Hospital.
Our ideas on a tentative Table of Distribytion for a permanent

| Test Wing and Group were drafted and submitted to Cperations on 31


Select target paragraph3