Meno for:

Director of Operetions (Cont'd)

10 Apr 54

As an additional safety measure one covld provide spoilers on the lifting
surfaces of the parked aircraft. It is questionable whether the effort
can be justified, harever, For tacticcl or cargo aircraft up to about
one hundred foot wingspan, one or more two by fours could be tied to the
upper surfaces across the span,

For larger aircraft, rows of sand begs

might be employed, perhaps in two courses,

5. In order to probe the aircraft damage problem further, the
question of higher overpressures was discussed, The only oninion they

were willing to stite was thet overoressures higher than .7 psi would
carry with them an increasing risk of denage, and that -t 1.0 nsi or
above, some damage ves to be expected,

In order to take advantage of the planving done during Operation

IVY for protection egainst the effects of the MIKE detonation, the "Final
Report of JTF 132", and the "History of Operation IVY" were consulted,
These documents ere available through Classified Files at JIF SEVE!,
information availebdle there was as follows:

H19's were evacueted to the RENDOVA,


H-+13's were crated and stored on FRED,


Some of the L-13's were tied down and sand bagzed,


The balance of the L-13's vere secured with their wings foldcd,

of extent of the sand begzing vas not described.





The nature

To obtain what informetion w:.s available concerning protection

of and damage to the hangar on MIKE si:ot, Mr, Coray, Holnes °. Narver
Project if-nazer, and Mr. Boettcher, of ingineering Division, Holues ¢&
ilarver, were contactec.,

Althoush the rceords ere not coupletc, it war

determined thet the hanger doors wcre bloced open, and that columms tere

installed to suport the roof, Hovever, the loads imocsec om the structure
by the shock hitting it from the north side, and then sweeping inside from

both cnds was such as to lift the roof, and Icave sane smcll anowit of

permenent set in the structure, This deflection allowed one or tio doors
to come free of the tracks, and fall, The only repeir necessary on the
building vas to realign the door tracks.


Further discussion brought forth the fret thet no plens are being

matic for protection of even critical scicntific laboratory; buildings.

It hasbeow docided to accept damage and exsond funds on rencir, rather
than spend large amounts on storing and tying down buildings and protecting equipment, If this decision was.roached on the basis of the

Select target paragraph3