


(Uncl) Requirements for Support of thc Rongcrik Reentry

TGO Subjs

Operation Under Programming Plan No, 1-54

6. To insure successful accomplishment of the recntry operation,
certain support must be furnished to the Test Services Unit by other

organizations of the Tesk Group.

It is desired, therefore that the Tcst

Aircraft Unit take necessary action to support this mission in accordance
with the following requirements:
a. Provide the Test Services Unit with a fully qualified Padiological Safety }onitor who will accomp ny, and vecome a membor of, cacn

reentry toa.

The Rad/Safe monitor wills





Be responsible for insuring that no member is exposed
to excessive radiation.

Brief the team prior to departure on cach mission con-

cerning the radiacion hazards which are likely to bec

Determine the radiation hazard at each location on

Rongerik scheduled for reentry during a mission, this
function to be completed before an individwil enters
the particu: = location.

Coordinate the issue of film badges, Cosimeters, cte..
to all members of the receniry teum, supervise the use
and handling of the equipment and insure its postmission disposition.

(5) On each reentry mission, maintain a continual record

of the contamination levels indicated throughout acc2as
entered at Rongerik.


Supervise and direct the collection of radiological’?

contaminated coral and othe: materiais, t be uelivercs
to the Task Group 7.1 ropresontative unm returs of tc
teem to Pniwetok,

Indicate on a dtvawing similar to txc

attached copy a hand-drawn sketch ol Rongerik, cs
accurately as cossible, the point at which tne srinole
was collected. Ad¢éitional copies mey tu obteiacd Foon




the Test Services Unit. Details concerciag tle &LOTS
going rad/safety rcqvirements first snovid be olrtt.cd
Wire wteraco of Vayce sions,
nis headquarters.

Provide the following iters of equipment %: orsic th Cor



six (6) personnel who will comprise 2ach reentuy ton:



Select target paragraph3