_ currently at Eniwetok,.

replacing Mr

an INTERIM SECRET clearance.

carried only


However, AFSWC had requested a TOP SECRET

| clearance from the Air Materiel Command and was awaiting our comment and

Upon receipt of our instructions, AFSWC sent
Upon his arrival on 28 March, Mr.

-wae tO

_ replaced

who was assigned to Bridgeport, Connecticut.
On 23 March we received a Department of the Air Force Letter outlining

the Air Force Officers' responsibility to the public.

"ffective 1 April,

a mandatory statement to indicate the manner in which an officer carried

out his civic responsibilities and represented the Air Force if his deal-

ings with the public, was to be made in Section IV of AF Form 77, Officer
Effectiveness Report.” The Director of Personnel drafted and forwarded
special letters to all three units, calling attention to the required

comment in the ORs. A letter from AFSWC on the same date outlined
several forthcoming changes to AFR 35-39, Foreign Service.

Items con-

cerned were length of tours, TDY during tours, voluntary statements, and
duration of tours.

This letter was routed to all staff sections and

units of Task Group 7.4.

It was learned on the same day that Captain

t had taken over the supply account and would have Build-

ing 1~502 ready for occupancy when this Headquarters returned to Kirtland
following the overseas phase of CASTLE,
On 24 March, we prepared a question and answer list, relative to
personnel, for use in
Atomic Energy Commission.


interview with representatives of the
This material was for possible use in press

Message fr AFSIC, SWOTR 3-25,

Ltr fr USAF, 2 Mar 54.
Ltr fr o°S''0, 14 Mar See



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