Hq Wea Rept Elm, Subj: Radiation Monitoring and Operational Readiness
Plan fér Rongerik Atoll


(6 Mar 54)

2nd Ind

San Francisco, California

Commander, Test Services Unit, Provisional, APO 187, c/o Postmaster,
San Francisco, California

This headquarters concurs in the general plan outlined in basic

correspondence for the re-entry of RONGERIK,

2. Provide below are certain additional coordinative and implementation requirements to guide the planning effort of your headquarters

for the periodic re-entry into RONGERIK and the eventual re-establish-

ment of its weather reporting facilities to normal operating condition.
The completion of these actions will aid in accomplishing the objective
of this important mission.
a. The Test Services Unit has conducted the first in a series
of re-entry missions to RONGERIK to inspect, service, maintain and oper
ate the equipment installed thereat. Succeeding re-entry missions fon™®

this purpose will be conducted approximately five (5) days to one (1)


week apart and the period any team remains on RONG:.RIK will not excced

rad-safe limits.

The initial re-entry team was transportcd to RONGERIK

via surface vessel,

It is contemplated that amphibious aircraft will be

used for subsequent trips and that the team will consist of five (5) to
seven (7) personnel.

The Commander, Test Services Unit, is authorized to make

arrangements to secure necessary transportation for subsequent re-entry
missions, in accordance with procedures which already exist for normal
logistical support of thc weather islands. In the event that transport-

ation for future re-entry missions can not be obtained from this source,
the Commander, Test Services Unit, is authorized to coordinate his re-

quirement with the Commander, Test Support Unit, who will mcke every cffort to provide airlift support for this project with available amphi-

bious aircraft.

The Co:mander, Test Support Unit, has been advised con-

cerning this contingency.

c. A qualified DUKW operator, who is also a qualified DUKW
maintenance and repair mechanic, will accompany each re-entry team, to
restore the RONGERIK DUKW to a fully operational condition and to operate the vehicle for the team on each re-entry mission to RONGEINIK,

TAB NO, 49


Select target paragraph3