Hq TG.7.4, Prov., APO 187, c/o PM, SF, Calif., Subj: "Reimbursable


(3) CTG 7.2 will provide all POL products other than

aviation (Class 06A) and Marine FOL products to DOD

agencies on Eniweto Island without reimbursement.



POL required for generation of electric power or

evaporation of fresh water on Eniwetok Island will

be provided by CTG 7.2 without reimbursement.

Common Supply.

a. Housekeeping equipment and supnlies required by CTG 7.4
will be provided on a reimbursable basis by CTG 7.2 as mitually agreed
upon with CTG 7.4 and with additional supply personnel assistance

furnished by CTG 7,4 as required.

b. Special purpose vehicle spare parts common to both Army
and Air Force will be provided on a reimbursable basis by CTG 7.2 as

mutually agreed upon with CTG 7.4.

ec. Other items of common suprly which cannot be obtained”
through normal Air Force supply channels may be fiirnished, on a
reimbursable tasis, by CTG 7.2 to the extent practicable.
(Such am

requirements will be coordinated in advance with CTG 7.2.)


Transfers to Other Government Agencies.

a. The Air Force Base Accountable Officer is authorized to
transfer expendable supplies to the Army or Navy or Atomic Energy
Cormission on a reimbursable basis.

b. The Air Force Base Accountable Officer will accumvlate
all properly accomplished issue slips (AF Form 446) for a period of

one (1) month and will summarize such issues on an AF Form 1048 or
104¢ (USAF Requisition and Shipping Document). The shipping document

will be prepared in a minimum of five copies and marked "Reirbursement
Required." The original and three (3) copies of the shinping document,

with the original AF Forms 446 attached (in such transactions the No.

2 copy is the valid voucher. Reference paragranh 227e(1)(b), Section
XXVI, Part I, AFM 67-1), will be forwarded by lettor of transmittal to
the Comptroller, Task Group 7.4, for nrocessing in accordance with

AFR 172-22.

Transfers From Other Government Agencics.

The Air Force Base Accountable Officer is authecrized to

receive transfers of expendable suprlics from the Arny or Navy on a
reimbursable basis.

TAB NO. 43



Select target paragraph3