Memo~For: Chief of Staff, subj:
ruary 1954

"Report of Visit to JTF 7", dtd 26 Feb-

Task Force funds will also continue to be utilized for
_procurement of special equipment not standard to any of the
“military services."
b. The following questions were asked Major Crea and his
answers expressed his interpretation of JTF 7 funding responsibility
for the operational and interim periods.



May JTF 7 funds allotted to TG 7.4 be used

to reimburse 7.2 for "housekeeping supplies and other
items of common supply" and "special purpose vehicle
spare parts common to both Army and Air Force" issued
to TG 7.4 and to /9$30th during the interim period?
ANSWER: "No, Air Torce funds should be used." In
the discussion that followed it was pointed out that
TG 7.4 had no Air Force funds at its disposal to use
for this reimbursement. It was also pointed cut that
during the interim period, the 4930th would have to=

depend on AFSW for funds of this type.

Major Crea,

suggested that if TG 7.4 could nrepere an estimate

the fund requirements for this purpose, JTF 7 wou
forward the problem to USAF,




May JTF 7 funds allotted to TG 7.4 be used

to pay the TDY, Communications, Transportation and

Headquarters Overhead Fixpenses of the 4930th during
the interim period, as it is during the operational


"Yes, since it is considered that the 49300

is accomplishing part of the mission of JTF 7 dvring

the interim period."



To whom will funds be allotted for TDY,

Communications, etc, during the interim period for

the 4930th?


ANSWER: "They will be allotted to Tesk Group 7.4 as
long as it is operational, then to Task Group
7.2 if
7.4 is deactivated."

ce. Discussion was also held regardine the request for additional
funds from AMC for the aircraft modification work performed by the various

TAB NO, 40

Select target paragraph3