


Washington 25, D. C.

AFPDP 201,41

2 March 1954

SUBJECT: _ Air Force Officers' Responsibilities to the Public


Comranders, All Air Force Activities, 2I and Overseas

1. All Air Force officers are representatives of their service in official
and unofficial contacts with the public. Such representation is both a military
and civic responsibility and will be so evaluated,

Effective 1 April 1954, a mandatory statement to indicate "the manner

inwhich an officer carries out his civicresponsibilities

Air Force in his dealings with the public"will be made in the "comments"
section (Section IV) of the AF Form 77, "USAF Officer Effectiveness Report,"
and Part 7 of the AF Form 78, "AF General Officer Efficiency Report.” These
statements should be supported by facts based upon knowledge and/or purposeful
obéervation and be sufficiently specific to differentiate among those officers
who contribute to positive impressions of the Air Force, those who contribute
to negative impressions, and those who contribute no impression at all. —
3. To varying degrees, every officer has opportunities to represent the
Air Force in the eyes of the public in such a way as to mold public impressions,
As a guide, the following examples of these opportunities are indicated, along
with relevant types of information that should be obtained for evaluative


In an official capacity, officers deal with the public in nurerous
These include contacts with civilian groups, members of the press,

local community officials, contractors, vendors, and representatives of other

Government agencies, Whether an officer is presenting data to a civilian group
or coordinating a routine matter with an employee of another Government depart~

ment, he is contributing to an impression of the Air Force, It is important for
the rating officer to know whether this impression is good or bad and to determine whether the officer takes advantage of opportunities to inspire -confidence
in the Air Force,

When off duty, in daily civilian contacts, an officer is presented


(I) Does he participate in some commmity programs and to what

with an even greater variety of opportunities to represent the Air Force. The
manner in which officers take advantage of these opportunities should be determined, For examples

If not, does he possess a potential in this area

of responsibility?

Does he possess ability to speak before groups or demonstrate
skill and interest in speaking activitics?

TAB NO. 35

Select target paragraph3