inspection was conducted and the Test Scrvices Unit was graded excellent
with regard to their handling of classificd matter and their compliance
withthe security responsibilitics as directed by this and higher head-~
quarters' regulations.

The following Jay a mecting of the inspection

team was held in the Task Group Headquarters to review each section's

inspection report.

The completed inspection report was sutmitted to the

Task Group Chief of Staff on 22 March.

Croup Security Regulation 205-5, "Departure Security Procedures,"
was completed in draft form on 20 March,

This regulation was approved,

published and distributed on 24 March.

On 22 March, a 40-minute security lecture was given in the MATS. =
Terminal to MATS personnel, by the Task Group Security Officer.



At the end of March, the clearmce status of Task Group personnel




89 percent of required "Q" clearances had been granted;


100 percent of required TOP SECRET Clearances had been grantcd;


99 percent of required SECRET clearances had been granted.
<aae oe oe

Group Regulation 205-5, "Departure Security Regulation," 2. Hor 54.



Select target paragraph3