LPL EM PONS tte ew reee re
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enh iRATED


Lotter to G


24, Horch 1954

As you have cortainly heard, after BRAVO there was considcrable

fall-out on the northern Marshalls. The 28 weather island personnel
from liongerik and anproximately 275 natives from Rongelap and Utirik
were cvacuated to Kwajalein, At Kwajalein, the AEC has sct un a medical
group under 7.1 to study the effocts of the heavy radiation fall-out on the
natives and our weather people, The dosages range from approxinately
.. at Utirik,
at Rongerik,
at jilinginac, and
at Rongelap.
ft the present, all those cxposed are symptom frec and only the

Rongelap group are showing any signs of radiation damage othor than

changes in the blood counts, ftpproximatcly 25 Rongclap people were cpi~
lating on the 17th day, post-shot. In addition, they wore snowing a
skin rash on the scalp and folds of the neck. The relationship of the
rash to radiation has not beon cstablishcd but is suggestive of BETA injury
because of its distribution and association with cpilation. The mean
white blood counts arc down about 3,000 cells on ail the individuals from
40-150 R. LASL personnel are collecting urirs samples to detcrminc if a
significant amount of the radioactive fall-out has been absorbcd into the
body through the mouth or lungs. Wit! the exception of the lowered white

blood count, the USiF group have shown no signs or symptoms of radiation
injury to date.

I will continuc to monitor this program.


The error in fall~out quantity prcdiction which caused the fall-out
to concentrate on the Atolls to the cast of Dikini ccuscd General Clarkson

understandable concern over future fall-out possibilitics at Mniwetok.
With this in mind, he had plans drawn un for the evacuation from Eniwctck
of those individuals who can be termed radiation sensitive, such as
sampler pilots, sample removal personnel, dccontamina*ion personnel, ctl.,
These plans outline the action neccessary to evacuate thess scople to
Kuajalein on the first indication that a measurable amount of fall’
would occur at Eniwetok, Thcse cmergency proccdures wore firmed up on

visits with admiral Clark at Kwajalein, In addition to this air cvacuation
of personnel to Kwajalcin, other plans wore drawm up in the event that ars

personnel would have to be ovacuated from Eniwctok.
ate cnough that these plans will not be needed.

I hepe we are tostua-

The Project Participant Program scoms to be working very well.

Youever, dut to improper bricfing of a controller aboard the Comiand Ship,
the first sroup of observers did not gct to sce the dctonation.

It wes

planned that ct H-hotr -therebdéfvantaircraft would be ap x oximatcly sixty
miles owt in a side aspect position. Three minutes efter h-how tacy
would turn to a tail aspect until after blast arrival ov Heolud seven


TAB NO. 19


Select target paragraph3