




APO 187, c/o Postmaster

San Francisco, California


24 March 1954

Major ~


fir Force specialWeapons Conhtor
Kirtland Air Force Base
New Mexico


I fccl that I have bccn more than a little remis in mv rcsponsibility to keep you informed or. our progress in this operation, “I hope
I can bring kov. up-to-date with this ictver amu in the future give you
a report every ton days or so,
Upon arrival in the forward areca, it was evident that a program was
necdcd to restore order. Supplics had not becn properly stored, vehicular
parking arcas were not establishcd, and-old boards, wirc, cable drums,
ete,, werc scattered throughout the areas. Personnel, aircraft and ve-

hicular safcty hazards were prevelent. Ve immediately started assigning
arcas of responsibility for clean-up and with hard work on the -art of
everone, a little naint here and there, and the crcction of fences in

the appropriate arcas, we now have the base locking more like an Air Force
Base in the Z.I, and everything is in its proper place,

Everyone is now

aware of the importance of kecping all arcas in a neat and orderly manner
and periodic inspections are made to insure compliauce,

In January and the first part of February,

had not

started projects that were to have been complcted in November and Deccnber,

Some of these were; complction of the parachute building, wiring of the

radiac and shop buildings, complction of the aircrait decontaminatica pad,

erection of prefab buildings and tents, and clectkical wiring througheut
the areca, In an effort to insurc that everything cssential to the cperation would be completed as carly as possible, we used Air Force personnel

on the ercetion of prcfabs and tents and rcarranged the priority of other
projects, All projects were completed by 1 March, however, it certainy

isn't desirable to have the opcrating units arrive for en operation and
not have adcquate supnort facilities available, I bclieve the rewsons

for this situation are: (a)

acceptcd more nrojouts then

they-cowld handle with the personnel available, (b) iaricquate Grive hore

and insufficient push from heme, and (c) Lack of clow: Aciinsstion of the

respective authorities of the Army and Air Forec Corme:tevs in the Interin




TAB NO. 19


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Select target paragraph3