The eight pending "Q's" in the Sampling and Effects organizations
were very much needed.

These eight men, without "Q's", were hampered

by not being able to attend certain briefings which were given by

scientific personnel prior to each mission.

The reason that the Test

Support Squadron had such a large number of clearances pending was due
to not receiving the requirements and assignments of helicopter pilots

in sufficient time to enable the procurement of required "Q" clearances.
Also, "OQ" clearances were being detained because some personnel had failed
to give complete information in their original Personnel Security Questionnaires.,

In most cases the information omitted was of a minor nature

and it was believed that the information was not withheld intentionallys

Sworn statements were obtained from each individual and forwarded to ak

There was a total of seven sworn statoments forwarded during

this reporting period, which would enable the investigations on these

individuals to be completed and final clearance to be granted,
A letter addressed to all personnel was published on 5 March, qucting
the first official ABC announcement regarding the detonation of the first
atomic device in Operation castle.

i. second letter to all personnel

was published on 18 March regarding an announcement by the AEO stating
that personnel and natives had been removed from certain areas in tha
Pacific Proving Grounds.

Both of these letters were disseminated to

all personnel with the instructions that anything other than the official
statements could not be written in personal letters.



Ltr fr CTG 7.4 to all pers, "Security Letter,” 5March1954,

Ltr fr CTG 7.4 to all pers, “AEC Announcement," 1& March 1954.




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