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iPO 187, c/o Postmaster

San Francisco, California

TGO 580. _.

17 Mor 54


sirlift Operations



Joint Task Force SEVEN

APO 187, (HOW), c/o Yostrastor
San Francisco, California

1, 4&4 complete survey of the Bikini lngoon was nace to dcteriine the
sofost place and rost expeditious procedures to be usa’ for rfi and SA-16
water landings at Bikini turing freivht on’? passenger airlift. Jn SAé-16
pilot, recently assignel, was usc] as an atvisor cn this survey 2uc_tq@
his extensivo experience of ovcr 2000 water lendings.
2. The survey has inticated that, a very experience pilot possi®ly~
could land at consi2crable risk in any part cf the lagcon, In ost of

the lagocen, cven thow;h the aircraft was lance} safely, it woul’ cncounter dcetrinentel buffeting cn the hull. One arca, shown on the

attached map, was consicercd to be « safe area for everyltay use because

of the shcltcr provided by HOW islanc and beenuse the parallel of ercvnd

swell lics at a 90° angle to the proveiling win’,

The lagcon in this

area is normally very calm and hans been chosen as the arca icsignete? for

all water loendings at Dikini.

In an ebsclutc emergency, and still at pilot's Ziscroation, if may

be possible for our most quclificd pilot to len’ parallcl to and just North
of Tink, This, however, can only be considcree as an erers;oncy meastre at
not within safcty lirits desired for this opcration.


The pilots cn this airlift fecl that they can better julse safe

woter conlition for landing than somecne shipboar? bcenuse he can view it

at 2000 fect to determine swolls, Further, the final lan? or no land
wecision rust be made by tho pilot concerned, therefore nn officer of TG

7.4-qualffice in water landings will not be require? aboarl the USS Dairoko.
Normally, the Bairoko will not be in the croa Vosicnated as wateo> loniing

areca, therefore, woul! be in no position to make recorncn'‘aticns on actucl

5. To complete the rcequirorncnts for watcr lending inter-ctcll lift,
requcst action be taken to provide a rubber, airercft buoy in the place
shown on the attache! imap,


Select target paragraph3