Programming Plan 2-54 "Info for Project Participants", dtd 6 ‘ar 54

Reecive messages concerning incoming participants, compile

complete list for publication and distribution by the acjutant.

original messages to Security after this compilation.


“Ge Request the Deputy Commander give the Director of Operations
& list of those participants who will need airborne 1i.’t on mission days
so that Opcrations may make arrangements for them.
d. In coordination with Director of Operations furnish protocol
list to be included in the schedule as person in charge from place to
placc and timc to time,

Coordinate issue of Class X clothing to Froject Participants


Give Sccurity thclist of personncl who are to be grantad

and co rdinate return of same,

access to the bricfing and tour with the Official Observers.


[s/__Earl W. Kesling

Deputy Com ander or Com-andor
fs/ Poul H, Fackler

Dircector of Opcrations
{[s/ VW, R. Hanna
Personnel Security Officer

s/he J. smerson


/sf Ray M. Hawley

Dircetor of “atcricl

/s/_B, E,




= ~


Dircctor of Personnel

Ls/ ‘layne Hot
Protocol Officer

/sf H. HyMahon
Chicf of Staff



Select target paragraph3