
$ explained thet these threc (3) aircraft would

be used solely to augment the Eniwetok ~ Bikini airlift

operation and would not reduce the SA-16 SAR supvort requirement, He stated that maintenance personnel should
arrive in the near Suture from Hickam to maintain these

aircraft but pointed out that some SA-16 maintenance night

be required from Kwajalein pending arrivel of the maintenance personnel from Hickam,

stated he

would assist as much as possible with his limited resources if such a >roblem arose.


Possible F~84 landings at Xivajalein:




“ointed out thet a possibility exist that

Task Group 7.4 f84's migh’ have to land at lwajalcin,
and that these aircraft will probably be "HOT",
It was further pointed out thet two conditions might
exist, cither of whici could necessitate a landing at



An emergency landing of an F~84 elenent, when Kwa-


<A planned landing of one or both of the last F-34

jalein is closer to these aircralt than Eniwetok,

sanpling clement to increase samsling time when
cloud drift is wsally fast,

It was agrecd that the code word for such landings at

Kwajalein would be "CHILIPEPPER" and that messages would

be sent to Kwajalein in text as outlined in atiachment #1,
advising Naval Air Stotion, Kwajalein of any impending
F-84 landings, Atctacinient 7/2 will govern general support
action required for such a landing by Task Group 7. he

It was further asrecd that Naval Mr Station would:



Park any "CIIILIPEPPER " airercoft imncdiatcly.


Hect aireraft with fork lift and pallct and reuove


Transvert pilot to shouer im-cciatcly and insure


Provide suards with film b-cgces to guerd aircrcft.


Provide fork lift, low boy, parking snace for C-97


and housing for tne saimle recovery operation.


Select target paragraph3